Researcher Ana Carolina Bertassini
Ana is reserarcher collaborator. It’s also Researcher at the University of São Paulo in the group of Change and Innovation Management, since October 2018. Guest researcher at the RWTH Aachen Institute for Technology and Innovation Management (TIM), from February 2022 to January 2023. Researcher at the University of São Paulo at the Research Center for Circular Economy, since July 2016.
Ana Carolina Bertassini did a research internship at the RWTH Aachen University, in Germany from February 2022 to January 2023. She was supervised by Professor Frank Piller and funded by FAPESP. During her stay there, she studied the use of innovation management and organizational learning as foundation concepts for the development of a cultural roadmap transition to implement circular economy. Besides that, during her stay there, two papers were developed and presented in international conferences: one about the challenges and opportunities to implemente circular economy based on mass customization concepts, published at the MCPC 2023 Conference; and other about the overlaps and alignment between organizational culture, business model and business ecosystem management for circular economy innovations implementation, published at the IPDMC 2023 Conference. Ana has a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering.
Ana is dedicated full time to research activities
Responsabilities: Development of the research project: “Proposal of a Roadmap for Culture Change towards a Circular Economy: application in a product-as-a-service business model” funding by FAPESP; Collaboration in the research group and industry projects whose manager are Professor Mateus Gerolamo and/or Professor Aldo Ometto; Development of administrative activities related to the research group management; Supervision of junior researchers and bachelor conclusion monographies; Collaboration in the development of partnerships between international universities in Germany.
Consulting Hours: by appointment
Areas of interest: Business Model Innovation; Sustainable and Circular Business Models; Innovation Management; Organizational Transformation; Organizational culture and behavior for sustainability and circular economy implementation
e-mail: or

Title: A Roadmap for Circular Organizational Culture transition: application in a product-as-a-service business model
Theme: Circular Economy, Organizational Transformation, Organizational Behavior, Innovation Management
Goal: Proposition of a roadmap to facilitate the organizational culture change to implement the circular business model product-as-a-service, to leverage the circular economy development.
Abstract: Circular Economy (CE) represents a new emerging concept and a new business ecosystem trend, aiming to transform the current economic model to a more resilient one. The transition towards CE requires complex and dynamic changes in the business strategy, business model, product/service, processes, competences, organizational culture, and mindset. Thus, the aim of this research is to propose a roadmap to drive the organizational culture change to implement the business model product-as-a-service, to leverage the CE transition. We will mainly apply a systematic literature review and case studies in Germany and in Brazil. With this research we seek to spread new knowledge in CE and Change Management field, enrich the academy and literature with new discussions and useful tools, and leverage the transition of organizations toward a circular organizational culture.
Keywords: Circular Economy, Product-as-a-Service, Change Management, Organizational Culture, Organizational Values. Organizational Mindset.
Tool (forms) and webpage:—ce-oriented- and
Title: Capture of value in a circular economy: guide for the identification of circular value opportunities
Theme: Circular Economy, Capture of Value, Stakeholders, Business Model Innovation
Goal: Propose a guide for the identification of opportunities of value in the context of circular economy.
Abstract: Factors such as commodity price volatility, scarcity of resources, and increasing signs of social inequalities open space for diverse spheres of society to explore more effective and systemic ways of doing business. The circular economy aims to propose values that can be generated throught value-adding activities; for longer periods by using ways to decelerate and close cycles; captured and distributed to a wide diversity of stakeholders through the benefits derived from the circular model. However, the literature lacks references that help identify the values that the circular model allows to capture and to which stakeholders these values will distributed. Despite this, the works that approach this subject are almost null. Thus, this research aims to propose a guide for the identification of opportunities of value in the context of circular economy. The methodology utilized to the development of this research was the Design Research Methodology (DRM), which covers four main stages: clarification of the research (current reality view of the research area through knowledge and initial understanding of the research topic); descriptive study I (exploratory and systematic bibliographic review about the themes circular economy, value, value chain and stakeholders); prescriptive study (development of the proposal to solve the problems); and descriptive study II (realization of empirical studies to evaluate the proposal). Following the concepts of gamestorming the guide has been systematized resulting in its first version, which is composed of four steps: understand, explore, aling, map, and analyse. Then the guide was evaluated by conducting an exploratory case study in a company that adopts circular economy practices, with the aim of identifying the value network of organizations and the opportunities of circular value. Finally, the guide was revised and improved, resulting in the final version. This research contributed to the theory and practice related to the subject circular economy, by proposing a guide, based on scientific, while presenting a new way to identify the opportunities of value that supports the improvement of the circular system.
Keywords: Circular economy, Innovation, Stakeholders, Value, Value captured
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PROFESSIONAL ADDRESS: University of Sao Paulo - Campus of Sao Carlos Av. Trab. São Carlense, 400 - Parque Arnold Schimidt, São Carlos - SP, 13566-590 Department of Production Engineering Operations management laboratory (second floor)