Nan-Hua Nadja Yang
Nan-Hua Nadja Yang            Alumni – International Undergraduate Research Student (DAAD RISE Worldwide)


The ‘3CE2CE’ Framework—Change Management Towards a Circular Economy

Goal: propose a solution framework based on CM strategies to overcome organisational challenges posed by a CE.

Abstract: For the transition towards a circular economy (CE), organisations have to be prepared to adapt to major changes. Thus, the concept and implementation of change management (CM) will be essential to an organisation’s success during this transformative period. Studies have shown that organisational CE barriers were more significant than individual CE barriers. To overcome such obstacles, the most appropriate set of managerial practices should be carefully considered. The goal  is to propose a solution framework based on CM strategies to overcome organisational challenges posed by a CE. To accomplish this , a systematic literature review and a content analysis were conducted. The common errors in CM within the implementation process and the main CE barriers were identified and classified. An in-depth analysis of the issue’s roots led to a solid understanding of how to tackle such CM problems. This research presents an overview of organisational CE barriers, the common errors in CM, and the correlation between these findings. The two areas were then combined in a matrix that shows the connection between common errors in CM errors and CE barriers. Based on this result, a solution framework called 3CE2CE was developed that provides a step-by-step guide on how organisations can successfully undergo transformation processes towards a CE with the principles of CM.

Keywords: Circular Economy; Change Management; Organisational behaviour; Barriers; Agribusiness