Valeria Emma Calleja Guzmán Alumni – MSc. Student

Leadership 4.0: prioritization of competences based on the challenges towards Industry 4.0

Abstract: The transition towards Industry 4.0 (I4.0) or the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIR) presents opportunities to get companies more connected and smarted with the technologies trends. However, challenges are also part of I4.0, such as acceptance of organizational transformation, adaptation or development of business model, qualification of workers, among others. In that context, the role of leaders and managers in guiding organizations as a whole to the current revolution, as well as preparing and qualifying them with the respective leadership competences required in I4.0 (L.C 4.0) for their dealing with those challenges, is crucial. Therefore, this study aims to identify and prioritize L.C 4.0 that supports leaders and managers to deal with the challenges towards I4.0. To achieve this goal, the FDM (Fuzzy Delphi Method) was carried out in two phases.

Keywords: Leadership 4.0. Leadership competences. Industry 4.0. Challenges. Fuzzy Delphi.
Specialists’ perspective.