Innovation and AI: Insights from Professor Frank Piller’s Seminars at EESC-USP

Our research group, Change, at EESC-USP / Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos was fortunate to host Professor Frank Piller, the head of the RWTH Institute for Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany last week. Professor Piller shared his expertise with our team and external audience during two captivating seminars.

The first seminar, which took place at ONOVOLAB, an #openinnovation space located in São Carlos-SP, focused on how #generative #AI augments the way we #innovate and work in #creative #teams. The second seminar explored #innovation in the age of #smartfactories#smartproducts, and #smartservices.

During his visit, our team had the great opportunity to exchange ideas with Professor Piller and show him a little bit of our campus structure in two of our units (São Carlos and São Paulo).

Dear Frank, it was an honor to have you visit, and we are very grateful for your valuable contributions. We look forward to staying in touch and continuing our collaborations.

The Research Group on Change and Innovation Management, the Graduate Program in Production Engineering at the Department of Production Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering (EESC), INOVA.USP Complexo São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo (USP) organized Professor Frank Piller’s visit.